3 Month Old Baby Photo Shoot | Jackson 3 Months
Welcome to the world, baby Jackson!
I am so happy that I got to meet you and your Mommy and Daddy! You are the sweetest little man and I could have cuddled you all day long! There is not one thing on earth better than baby snuggles. Baby snuggles with a cutie that looks right into your eyes and wraps his sweet little hand around your finger are extra special!
I am so happy that we were able to get some precious sleeping shots for your parents while you were here. You were sweet to take a little nap and let me photograph all your perfect, tiny features that are changing so quickly. We were able to capture your wrinkly little fingers and toes that are so kissable soft. We got some pictures of your mile-long, enviable eyelashes and your perfect pout too! This snapshot in time is one that I know will be treasured by your Mommy and Daddy for years to come. When people say “don’t blink!” about kids, they mean it. Your parents have known you for 11 weeks already, so they know first hand how quickly all your features change and grow subtly each day.
You are such a happy little man, Jackson. When you weren’t sleeping, you were cooing and grinning from ear to ear! Rarely is such a little fellow so expressive and interactive. You were especially happy when you were playing with Mommy and Daddy and in their arms. Your parents are already the very best. They adore you and I don’t blame them! I adore you too!
You are such a gift, Jackson! I hope that your parents treasure these pictures as much as I treasured taking them for your family.

Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography