6 Week Old Baby Photo Shoot


Sweet girl I can not thank you enough for waiting out the COVID threat for our photo shoot.  I’m sure that wasn’t an easy decision for your parents to make, and I promised to make it up to them once the coast was clear and we were allowed to safely return to work.  And thanks to you Harper, we made their dreams come true!

Truth be told, you’re a big girl- but you were big at birth so this was bound to be a chunky baby lovin’ kinda sesh anyways right?!  Along with your big brother, you two were cool as cucumbers- just hanging out and laughing at our silly jokes!  I couldn’t get over how you loved being wrapped up like a newborn and that sure did make some gorgeous images of you looking oh so little!

This new chapter of your family life is a beautiful one, and I’m so thrilled to get to love on you four each and every step of the way!  See you in 4 1/2 months (but who’s counting!?)!

6 Week Old Baby Photo Shoot | Introducing Harper
6 Week Old Baby Photo Shoot | Introducing Harper
6 Week Old Baby Photo Session | Introducing Harper
6 Week Old Baby Photo Session | Introducing Harper
Baby Girl Photo Shoot | 2 Month Old Baby
Baby Girl Photo Shoot | 2 Month Old Baby
Baby Girl Photo Shoot | 2 Month Old Baby
Baby Girl Photo Shoot | 2 Month Old Baby



Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography