Akron Ohio Family Photography | The Adams Family | Huntington Beach
Akron Ohio Family Photography
What is my perfect summer night? Spending it on the beach with the Adams family! Your crew is truly one of my favorite families to have fun and be silly with!
Alessi, you are truly one of the gang! You are little but my oh my you are strong-willed, adventurous and loved showing us your teeth with that beautiful smile of yours! And whatever your siblings were doing, you had to do it too! If they were digging their toes in the sand, you were right there with them. I was shocked to see that you weren’t afraid of anything! No sand or waves were going to scare you tonight!
Hollis, your curls just keep getting prettier and prettier! I am going to need those hair secrets. You still have the biggest smile and have the biggest love for your little sister. When I said squeeze into your family you instantly wrapped those arms around Alessi. I can already tell that the two of you are going to be best friends for life!
Nash! There is no doubt that you are a boys boy. There was no stopping you when it came to climbing on the rocks and showing us your jumping skills. I have to admit, with those two missing front teeth, you may currently have the best smile in the house! We hope the tooth fairy gave you something good for those teeth!
Linden, the fact you are going into the third grade just blows my mind!! You guys aren’t little babies anymore. I need you to stop growing up so fast. I know your Mom would agree with me.
You have been part of the BGP family for such a long time- and you are truly a treasure to me! And I have loved every minute of it. I have cherish watching your family grow over the years and look forward to many more adventures together in the future! Enjoy the rest of your summer nights my friends and I can’t wait for our next adventure together at holiday time!

Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography