Baby Boy Newborn Dream Session


Your parents have waited 5 long years to have you in their arms.  And here you are!  What an absolute thrill to meet you & be the one chosen to capture you as a family of three!  It was such a thrill to hear your mommy and daddy talk about you before you were born- SO excited to welcome a son into the world.  And so it’s pretty surreal that you are now here and happy and healthy!

Tipping the scales at over 10lbs (howwwwwww did you fit inside your teeny tiny mom?!  No way!) & with the longest eyelashes ever, you had our Dream Team squealing with excitement to love on you!  Even at just a week old, who knew you could bring this much joy into the world?!  It was so much fun to hear about how the entire family has been elated with your arrival!

You were such an angel baby for us… sleeping like a dream and curling up into the sweet little poses that you were surely in on the inside.  Nothing seemed to bother you- not even our passion for dressing you up in so many different ‘looks’!

Sweet Carson, you are such a bright light in an uncertain time in the world and I think God placed you here exactly on cue.  His timing is always perfect- just the way he made you!

We are looking forward to so many memories together as you grow up- we seriously can’t wait to capture it ALL! 

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Giraffe Newborn Photo Inspiration | Safari Nursery | Introducing Carson
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Rainbow Baby Inspiration | Inspirational Rainbow Baby Pictures
Rainbow Baby Inspiration | Inspirational Rainbow Baby Pictures
Baby Boy Newborn Dream Session | Introducing Carson
Baby Boy Newborn Dream Session | Introducing Carson
Baby Boy Newborn Dream Session | Introducing Carson
Baby Boy Newborn Dream Session | Introducing Carson
Baby Boy Newborn Dream Session | Introducing Carson
Baby Boy Newborn Dream Session | Introducing Carson



Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography