Baby Photography

Oh Danny,

From the moment we heard you were coming, we absolutely could not wait to meet your sweet face! You are everything we’ve ever dreamed of and more! From your baby rolls to your big blue eyes and awesome hair.. we truly couldn’t get enough of you!

We’ve been loving on your amazing family for some time now and they were awesome as a family of three but boy do you truly make them perfect as a family of FOUR! Mommy has her little girl and daddy has his boy!! We thought it was incredibly special that you are named after your daddy, truly making you daddy’s mini me!

Your big sister Sofia is one of the sweetest girls we’ve ever met and she is nothing short of sweet when she is around you! Her face lights up with joy when we talk about how she’s a big sissy! She is incredibly proud to have you as a little brother and she loves you beyond words!

We can’t wait to watch the two of you grow into the best of friends as you both get older! It will be so sweet to watch your big sissy guide you through this crazy awesome life and to watch her love for you grow! We can already tell you two will be so close as you get bigger!

Sweet Danny, thank you for choosing us to capture you at this tiny and precious stage of your life! We feel so blessed that we get to watch you grow and we cannot wait to see the amazing little guy you grow up to be! We can’t wait to play again soon!

Baby Photography | Danny 6 Weeks
Baby Photography | Danny 6 Weeks
Baby Photography | Danny 6 Weeks
Baby Photography | Danny 6 Weeks
Baby Photographer | 6 Week Old Baby Posing
Baby Photographer | 6 Week Old Baby Posing
Baby Photographer | 6 Week Old Baby Posing
Baby Photographer | 6 Week Old Baby Posing
Baby Details
Baby Details


Team BGP