With that incredible head full of dark shiny hair, and your super squishy rolls, it’s safe to say you had us swooning! Add in your incredibly joyful mommy and daddy who are just thrilled beyond words that you are (finally!) here safe and sound, and you have got the recipe for a perfect newborn baby session!
And with you being born RIGHT on the cusp of Spring, how could we not bring these perfectly pink pastel tulips to gently place beside you?! We did, and you broke the internet with them! I don’t know if it’s those big almond eyes, or the way your cheeks match your blanket perfectly, but my oh my did the world adore that particular image of you!
Maudie, you are truly a dream come true- and not just for us as photographers- but to all who get to know, enjoy and love you. It’s going to be an incredible year and I am so excited to be a part of it with you!
Beachwood Baby Photographer | Beachwood Newborn Photography | Newborn Baby Photo Shoot Beachwood Ohio | Start With The Best | Brittany Gidley Photography LLC | https://www.brittanygidleyphotography.com[/caption%5D Beachwood Baby Photographer | Beachwood Newborn Photography | Newborn Baby Photo Shoot Beachwood Ohio | Start With The Best | Brittany Gidley Photography LLC | https://www.brittanygidleyphotography.com[/caption%5D Beachwood Baby Photographer | Beachwood Newborn Photography | Newborn Baby Photo Shoot Beachwood Ohio | Start With The Best | Brittany Gidley Photography LLC | https://www.brittanygidleyphotography.com[/caption%5D Beachwood Baby Photography | Beachwood Ohio Newborn Photos | Newborn Photo Studio | Beachwood Ohio | Start With The Best | Brittany Gidley Photography LLC | https://www.brittanygidleyphotography.com[/caption%5D Beachwood Baby Photography | Beachwood Ohio Newborn Photos | Newborn Photo Studio | Beachwood Ohio | Start With The Best | Brittany Gidley Photography LLC | https://www.brittanygidleyphotography.com[/caption%5D