Best Newborn Photographer in Los Angeles
London & Kennedy,
Words can’t quite describe the bond between the two of you. Being sisters for a little over a week now, It’s like you’ve waited for this day your entire lives!
Kennedy, when I think of the qualities that make a big sister great, you have all of them. You’re quick to lend a helping hand, you softly love on your baby sister to soothe her and of course you’re excited about all of the things that you’re going to teach this itty bitty little sister of yours! I appreciate you being so patient while sharing the spot light with this new little person that you love!
London, I was prepared for the beautiful little girl to be born to these amazing parents, but you’ve truly blown us away not only with how gorgeous you are but you’re sweet disposition as well! You were as gentle and sweet and calm as they come- just letting your family hold and love on you the entire session!
And that’s not all, you have an entire squad of people cheering you on! Your Godmother your Godfather and your Grandma were all there to be a part of this big day! They say it takes a village to raise the baby and little one- you have an entire city surrounding you excited for what’s to come in your life! It’s an honor for me to be a small part of something so big London- your life! See you soon for even more fun together!

Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography