Birthday Blooms Dream Session
Ohhhhh my gosh you have grown exponentially since your 6 week session with us just a short 10 months ago! I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this sweet little girl with the same big brown eyes (and yes, even the same curls!) that I meet nearly a year ago! You had no trouble warming up to the Dream Team and we had SO much fun spoiling you like nobody else can!
It sounds like it’s been an amazing year- from traveling to Eqypt (twice!) to see your family and another beach trip on the horizon- you are a girl who is always on the go!
With some help from our friends at Ashleys Floral and White Flower, we curated the most gorgeous flower set as the backdrop to your celebration! And if that wasn’t enough, your mommy had planned the perfect Dolce and Gabanna outfit for you to wear too! You absolutely loved being the center of attention and we loved making your session that way for you! Isn’t it wild what fun an itty bitty baby like you can bring to our lives?!
You not only had a blast being held and loved on by your mommy and daddy, but also diving (face first!) into your cake and splish splashing in your bubble bath too! We can’t wait to see what your beautiful future holds for you Amina- one thing is for sure though- we are happy to be a part of it! Happy happy happy birthday sweet Amina, and cheers to many more!

Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography