Atlanta Baby Photographer | Harper 6 Months | Barnsley Gardens

Atlanta Baby Photographer Harper, The last time we were together, it was for an over the top maternity photo shoot in the Big Apple!  We talked about you & dreamed of who you would become but lovely, it doesn’t hold a candle to who you are!  You are the Lord’s perfect creation.  I can imagine […]

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Edgewater Beach | Kieran 6 Months

Kieran, 6 months ago it felt like you would NEVER get here.  Even though you joined us 3 weeks early, every day waiting on you felt like an eternity.  And with good reason.  Look at you! Those piercing blue eyes and the happiest smile are only a couple of my favorite things about you!  I […]

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Preemie Photography | Kolton 1 Month

Kolton, Born 15 weeks early, you are the true definition of a fighter.  With your mommy & daddy by your side day & night, you are slowly growing and healing every day. I am so excited to be on this journey with you!  To watch you grow and transform into the little boy that the […]

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Floral Newborn | Introducing Rory

Floral Newborn Rory, Your newborn session was nothing short of a dream come true!  We (finally!) get to bust into all things girly and gorgeous with your mommy now that you are here!  And just wait until you see all of the fun we get to have together!  From your big brother Henry’s Where The […]

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2 Month Baby | Introducing Gretchen

Gretchen (& Evie!), Little ladies- HELLOOOO!  GAH can you believe you have a sister?!  I could hardly believe the news when I heard!  With your fun loving parents beside you, you girls are in for a lifetime of fun and laughter! I already can’t wait to spoil you again in May to smash a cake […]

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Floral Newborn Dream Session | Introducing Lily

Floral Newborn Dream Session Lily, With a name quoted as the most popular of the popular delicate century-old flower names now making a return, thanks to its many irresistible attributes: a cool elegance and a lovely sound, a symbol of purity and innocence, and a role in Christian imagery, it’s no question you had a floral Dream […]

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Family Photo Shoot | The Sotka Family | Lake Erie Bluffs

Family Photo Shoot Sotka Family, I have known y’all FOREVER and it’s about time we got you in front of my lens for an awesome family session at the Lake Erie Bluffs!  Maddie & Sophie you glittered in your fancy dresses and shoes (with matching painted nails too of course!). And this one was extra […]

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