Las Vegas Family Photographer | The Price Family

Las Vegas Family Photographer Abby, Joel & Ellie, This session has been a long time coming. A family session at one of your FAVORITE places on Earth- Elephant Rock in the Valley of Fire! The world may not be familiar, so friends, let me introduce you to Ellie.  Ellie was born still and is remembered […]

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NICU Graduate | Dakota’s Homecoming

NICU Graduate Dakota, I struggle for the words to describe just how incredible you are.  In my 8 years as a NICU RN, I have never encountered a preemie as strong as you.  In my 5 years photographing sick and premature babies, I have never met anybody with the capacity to bring hope like you do. And here I stand, looking at […]

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Mentor Headlands Beach | Gabby 6 Months

Mentor Headlands Beach Gabby, I don’t know which I love more- your beautiful eyes or the gentle curls that surround those chubby cheeks that hold the BIGGEST smile on a baby that I think I have ever seen!  Talk about a phenomenal little silly personality! You truly have it all! Thank you for an unforgettable […]

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Baby Beach Photographer | Sean 12 Months | Edgewater Beach

Baby Beach Photographer Sean, Your parents told me all about your awesome sense of humor and that giant smile- and you, little boy, did NOT disappoint!  Not only are you adorable with those chubby little cheeks, but you lovvvvved to flirt and bat those long eyelashes in our direction too! We could not have asked […]

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Cleveland Twin Photographer | Introducing Clint & Josephine

Cleveland Twin Photographer Clint & Josephine, William Shakespere once said  “A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.” And today, here at the very beginning, this is my wish for you.  That you will love and […]

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