Newborn Photo Shoot | Introducing Austin

Austin, Super sweet and snuggly, you are a newborn photographer’s DREAM come true!  Not only were you fast asleep, but you brought these 2 amazing people with you- your mom and dad.  And we laughed together hearing how they met and dreaming of who you will become.  We are so excited to watch you grow […]

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Family Photography | The Scheiner Family

Scheiner Family, I’ve lost count of how many years I have had the pleasure of calling myself your photographer.  (But I DO know that teeny tiny little Max was a lot more teeny tiny back then!).  And each and every year just seems to be better than the last. I am thankful to watch you […]

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Pregnancy Photographer | Waiting on Baby W

Baby W, So we are patiently waiting to hear your gender… are you a boy or a girl?  Daddy wore a blue shirt and mommy work a gorgeous punchy pink dress for your maternity session so I think it’s safe to say the jury is still out on that one! But what we do know […]

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Baby Photography | Nora 12 Months

Nora, Sweet baby girl it’s hard to believe it’s been an entire year since your newborn session with us!  It’s amazing to see how much you (and your big brothers!) have grown.  My wish for you is that 2017 is another year of blessings and love for you and for your family! Love, Brittany Owner, […]

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Pregnancy Photography | Waiting on Baby L

Kieran, When I think of you, the Bible verse 1 Samuel 1:27  comes to mind ‘For this child I have prayed and the Lord has granted the desires of my heart.’.  You, little one, are absolutely the desires of your family’s heart.  Loved beyond words and anticipated beyond measure, you are a blessing from above […]

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NICU Photography | Dakota 1 Month

Well hello, sweet baby Dakota. And thank you for inviting me here for the beginning… The beginning of your NICU journey, the beginning of God showing His powerful favor, the beginning of falling so in love with this new little blessing. And while we are here at the start there are a few things you should […]

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Gender Reveal | It’s a Boy!

One of the best parts of my job is to be here to capture life’s most special times. The moments that will live on in our memories forever.  Today was no exception.  I am thrilled to capture this journey for you with your sweet new addition in blue! (and a very special THANK YOU to our stylist […]

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Best Newborn Photos | Introducing Cadence

Cadence, What a thrill to be the one chosen to capture you for the very first time!  Along with your big sister, Chloe, you have blown us away in your sweet demeanor and love for one another!  It was so much fun to capture the 2 of you together in the flowers for the start […]

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Newborn Photographer | Introducing Thomas

Newborn Photographer Thomas, There is so much to say.  Your story isn’t just now beginning, but rather, began a nearly 2 years ago with the arrival of your big sister- Evie. Evie was called home to the Lord a short 58 minutes after her arrival.  But she rocked our world hard & now lives on in our […]

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Newborn Baby Photography | Introducing Nash

Nash, Your big brother Lynden is no stranger to Brittany Gidley Photography.  In fact, he is a little boy that we got to celebrate his ENTIRE first year of life (and beyond!).  When we heard that he was getting a sibling, I have to be honest, I could barely hold my excitement in! And then […]

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