Twin Photographer | Introducing Lawson & Barron

Lawson & Barron, You two sweet little boys were absolutely AMAZING for us in the studio for your newborn session!  You have so many differences, but your sweet and calm demeanor is absolutely one of your similarities.  And the way that you look for and find each other?!  Swoon!  You had us loving life and […]

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Milk Bath Maternity Session | Cleveland Maternity Photographer

You want to know what can be incredibly intimidating for a photographer?  Taking maternity pictures of another FABULOUS photographer friend.  Oh, and add in the fact that we are going to hang out in the bathroom for our session and you’ve got a real recipe for awkward.  That’s what I thought at least.  It turns […]

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Cleveland Museum of Art | Abby 9 Months

Abby, Sweet baby doll- I adore you.  You are under a year old and this is our FIFTH shoot!  I’m so thrilled to bring our new prop- the carousel horse- out to greet you at the Cleveland Museum of Art!  It was a gorgeous morning together & I just cherish every chance we have to […]

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NICU Photographer | Introducing Devin

Devin, Sweet baby boy you sure did surprise us all a few weeks early!  It’s no secret that my history of being a registered nurse in the NICU makes me super comfortable there but it was different this time… because it was you.  And sitting on the ‘other side’ of the situation, watching your nurses […]

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Cleveland Baptism Photographer | Wade 3 Months

Wade, From your spectacular maternity session in the leaves, to your newborn session graced by the talents of HeatherLily, we LOVE making each and every session special for you.  And this one, your three month session where you got baptized was one to remember.  EVERYBODY was there- and I mean everybody!  Your entire family cheered […]

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Maternity Photographer Cleveland | Waiting on Baby L

Baby L, You are a VERY lucky little boy (or girl!!!).  You see, you’ve got these parents who absolutely ROCK.  They love to laugh, to travel, to hang out Downtown and at the beach.  They are already dreaming of holding you in their arms and taking you on adventures as a family of 3! I, […]

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Cleveland Newborn Photographer | Introducing Cole

Cole, Along with your sweet big brother, Mason, you ROCKED your newborn session here at Brittany Gidley Photography!  As long as we gave you a few snack breaks, you were happy to snuggle into your stick bed and be held by your big brother! I have loved your family since the very first session and […]

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