Newborn Simple Session | Introducing Lexie

Lexie,    It was so wonderful to finally meet you for your newborn simple session with us!  When you arrived at our studio you were like a dream!! So sleepy! You woke up your personality came out. You are the sweetest little girl, with those bright eyes looking right at me, you smiled several times […]

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Cleveland Newborn Photographer | Introducing Harper

Harper, Little lady you are the picture of perfection.  All of that fluffy hair and your long eyelashes made you a dream to photograph for your newborn session with us.  Being a Cleveland newborn photographer doesn’t get much better than this- you!  Your parents absolutely adore you & we can’t wait to see all of […]

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Eliana 12 Months | Baby Photographer | Chagrin Falls

Eliana, Lovely little lady, it’s hard to believe that it’s been 12 whole months since this photo shoot.  You still have those big, gorgeous eyes like your mommy and your fabulous little smile from your daddy. I am in awe of you every day.  All of your sweet little details and watching the three of […]

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Pregnancy Announcement | Baby Anthony

Baby Anthony, To say the world has been waiting on you is an understatement.  The amount of excitement about this announcement is so much fun!  I am thrilled to be the one to capture you this first year of your sweet little life… starting now! Love, Brittany Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography LLC

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Introducing John | Classic Newborn Photography

John, Along side your big brother Luke, your family lit up the Brittany Gidley Photography studio with your smiles, laughter and love.  It was so much fun to enjoy your spunky little age & watch you discover your new little brother!  It’s going to be such a blast to watch the 2 of you grow […]

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Cole 12 Months | Fall Family Photography | Shaker Lakes

Cole, It’s incredible that a full year- 12 whole months- have passed since I met you as a teeny tiny tot here.  And wow- so much has changed!  You no longer fit into the palm of your daddy’s hand… or in the side of your mommy’s neck.  But the joy that I see in them […]

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