Shelby, Sweet little lady words can hardly express how thrilled we all are that you are here safe and sound! And you are no stranger to the BGP camera. On the inside you had TWO maternity sessions and a whole lot of talk about the love and anticipation your family had for you already. Thank […]
Introducing Lily | Winter Newborn Session
Lily, Way back when I did your maternity session- we dreamed not only of what you would look like (and I’m still deciding who you favor!). But we also dreamed of what you would be- a boy or a girl. Mom and I swore you were a boy- and now that I have met you […]
Charlie | 9 Month Baby
Charlie, This is our fourth time together and it’s officially my favorite too! You are magnificent and watching you grow into this gorgeous little boy takes my breath away. I love seeing how you change from session to session- yet still keeping that big smile. In a short 3 months we will be smashing a […]
Introducing Jacob | Best Newborn Photography
Jacob, You are here. You are finally here! And I can’t get over how much you look like your big sister Maddie! You didn’t want to miss a beat for your newborn session and insisted on showing me those fabulous big eyes! And you know what? I didn’t mind a bit. I loved watching you […]
The McEwen Family | Extended Family Portraits
McEwen Family, What happens when your family from 33 hours away surprises you with a knock on the door Christmas Eve? Well you freak out with joy, celebrate Christmas together and come into the Brittany Gidley Photography studio to capture the love. And that’s exactly what we did! Love, Brittany Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography LLC
Introducing Hunter | Newborn Studio
Hunter, We absolutely adored your Christmas Eve newborn session! You were so calm and so snuggly. I can’t decide what I like more- the solo shots of your funny little expressions or the shots of you cradled so warmly in the arms of your parents! It’s going to be so much fun watching you grow […]
Three Best Friends | Child Photographer
Matthew, Rachel & Julia, It was such a blast to have you in the BGP studio today to capture the giggles, smiles and love that you three have for each other! Your pups even made a cameo as well! What a joy it is to play, hang out and have tickle parties with all of […]
The Knight Family | Holiday Pictures
Delaney, With your mom deployed for the past 7 months, I can’t think of a better way to celebrate than 48hrs after she steps off of a plane- coming to see me! And a celebration is absolutely what we did! I loved seeing how grown up you are now and capturing the love between you! […]
Introducing Isla | Unique Baby Photography
Isla, You and your big sister Layne totally ROCKED your session at BGP. Lots of milk for you and lots of gummi bears for your big sis was the perfect recipe for this… a fabulous session full of so much love! Love, Brittany Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography LLC
The Broadbent Family | Country Club Photographer
Grace & Oliver, You two have stolen my hearts since the day you were born and yesterday with you was no exception. Watching you grow and doing all of the fun things that make Christmas so magical is a highlight of being an Aunt that I never knew existed. I love both of you to […]