Waiting on Baby L | Akron Maternity | Nature Realm

Shelby, You are a lucky little lady.  Not only do you have this fabulous mommy and daddy to love on you and give you the very best but- look at these two- you’re going to be gorgeous as well!  I know your mom is so thrilled to finally meet you and it was cool talking […]

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The Stella Family | Home Family Session

Stella Family, Eeeeek this was fun!  You guys were so fantastic with all of your energy and crazy laughter.    It was a blast to capture you in your North Royalton home just as you are- sweet, silly and fun!  It’s been a while since I’ve seen Charlie and I can hardly believe my eyes […]

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Introducing Mila | Studio Newborn

Mila, I loved your session.  Love love LOVED it!  You were such a fabulous little girl for your newborn session with us.  Sweet and chunky with those big beautiful eyes- we could barely handle our excitement when you came in.  Perhaps the most fabulous part of our time together was your family.  You are surrounded by […]

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Introducing Robert | Newborn Boy

Robert, You’ve got this modeling thing down pat!  You were awake when we needed you to be, sleepy when we needed you to be and oh so handsome the whole time through!  I especially loved capturing you with your mom and dad towards the end.  You loved being all snuggled up in their arms.  I […]

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Introducing Josie | Newborn Baby

Josie, I feel like we have been waiting forever for you!  Your beach maternity session here is one of my very favorites but your family really didn’t feel complete… until today.  And you somehow look like a mix of all 3 of them- just shrunk down into this beautiful little bundle of sweetness.  It was […]

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Hayden 6 Months | 6 Month Baby | Cultural Gardens

Hayden, Weren’t we JUST at your newborn session at the Brittany Gidley Photography studio?  Seriously.  And it feels like just a few weeks ago that we went to play in Akron for one of my all time favorite 3 month sessions.  I love watching you grow along side that beautiful big sister of yours and […]

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Introducing Augustus | Lifestyle Newborn

Augustus, Oh you perfect little smoochy boy.  Wow wow wow!  I think it’s safe to say that we are crazy about you.  Crazy about your big cheeks and gorgeous eyes, your long fingers and toes!  Most of all though I love how your big brother and big sister love you.  I have been capturing them […]

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