Giuliana, Sweet baby girl you are spectacular. But I knew this already- this is your third Brittany Gidley Photography session in less than 6 months! And each time you are more gorgeous than the last! I always think you are going to grow into those cheeks too… and they only get bigger! Not only are […]
Behind The Scenes With Brittany Gidley Photography | Behind The Scenes
We get told all the time that we have the best job on the planet. And you know what? We do! If you have had a session with us, you know first hand the fun and joy that comes wrapped into our time together. If you haven’t had a session with us yet, feel free […]
Introducing Nicolás | Cleveland Photographer
Nicolás, Sofía & Isabela, It’s been a while since the Brittany Gidley Photography studio has been light up like this! What a fantastic session for sweet baby Nicolás and his big sisters (or should we call them ‘little mommies’). If little man made even the slightest peep- you girls were right there to care for […]
Introducing Kende | Best Newborn Photographers
Kende, Can we talk about perfection for a minute? I mean not only are you insanely perfect with that smooth flawless skin and big expressive eyes (and I can’t forget the perfect little smile you gave me too!) but your parents! Ohhhh your parents! They are just as easy to love as you are! We […]
Michael & Matthew | Chagrin Falls Lifestyle Session
Michael & Matthew, It’s been a year since I have captured the two of you and WOW you got even more gorgeous and fun in a short 12 month time! This session was like no other. We had an absolute blast together! Playing dinosaurs, battling super heroes, tickle parties with mommy, loving on your sweet […]
Brigid 12 Months | Cake Smash Session
Brigid, Little lady you sure do know how to make a baby photographer squeal with joy! Every inch of this session was filled with love, laughter and ICING! From start to finish you were such a joy to capture. Your mom, dad and I couldn’t stop smiling the whole session. The perfect outfits… the super […]
Introducing Samantha | Professional Newborn Baby Photography
Jack & Samantha, You two made just about the sweetest pair I have ever seen! Jack- your face has graced my website since our first meeting nearly a year and a half ago. You’ve grown into those chubby cheeks so fantastically. And this little personality that I met so long ago has grown into a […]
Introducing Parker | Best Newborn Photographer
Maia & Parker, Maia is no stranger to my camera. She is the sweet little dolly that is on my website (and the star of this blog post here too!). And it feels so very long ago that we had that fantastic session and now how life has changed. Enter Parker… Buddy you were just […]
Introducing Julian | Newborn Baby Photos
Tristan, Sebastian & Julian, Wow. The three of you really lit up the Brittany Gidley Photography studio in a way that we haven’t seen before! From pretending to eat pancakes together to watching you love on your new little brother we had a blast together! There’s a special place in Heaven for the mother of […]
Introducing Krish | Newborn Baby
Shaan & Krish, Perfect brotherly love. I knew this session was going to be amazing at Krish’s maternity session here (love love love that session!!!). The love, joy and excitement surrounding this sweet little boy on the way was palpable. And then we have big brother Shaan who is one of the most loving big brothers […]