Oliver, From the moment we heard that you were on the way (and due on Valentines Day nonetheless!) we were in love. And now that we have met you it’s hard to recall you ever not being here. You are the softest, sweetest, best smelling (oh yes- I went there- this lovie smells divine) little […]
Introducing Luke & Noah | Cleveland Photographer
Luke & Noah, You boys were perfect in every way. You slept, you smiled and you loved being snuggled into the arms of your mommy & daddy. The whole world has been waiting on you and we are so thankful that you are safely here. And although you are identical, I swear that you have […]
Happy Birth Day Baby B! | Delivery Room Photographer
Baby B, Sweet baby girl you are blessed. Blessed with a family (and big brother!) who love you to itty bitty bits and pieces. Blessed with a fabulous medical team who believed in your mama’s strength for your birth day party. Blessed by a Heavenly Father who sent you safely into this world to live […]
Happy Birth Day Marin! | Birth Photographer Cleveland Ohio
Marin, How nice to meet you sweet baby girl. Yeah, that’s right I said GIRL!!!!! We alllllll thought you were a boy- well, all but your big brother Austin. Austin must have known something that we didn’t because you were a surprise to all of us but him. And we couldn’t love you more. I […]
Introducing Will | Cleveland Photography
Will, Your sweet little round face and those big eyes had us cooing over you long after you left the studio. We had this incredible, creative session on a day that is so special- your due date! And although you are already 6 weeks old, you slept like an angel for us. And that smile- […]
Introducing Oliver B | Cleveland Photographer
Oliver, You and your sister Elise were nothing short of incredible together. I loved having you (along with those gorgeous parents!) at the Brittany Gidley Photography Studio in Downtown Cleveland. And let’s be honest- you two are no stranger to the camera! Your mommy is one of the most talented photographers that Cleveland and New […]
The Tiller Family | Family Photography Studio
Tiller Family, What a thrill it was for me to see you and meet the newest addition to the family! The last time I met up with you guys Eli was still a tiny guy and Noah wasn’t quite here yet. It’s amazing to see just how much has changed so quickly. Now, a little […]
Waiting On Baby S | Maternity Photographer
Waiting On Baby S | Maternity Photographer Soni Family, Not only are you simply gorgeous, but you are as warm and loving as they come. Within minutes of you coming into the studio, you felt like friends. You are the kind of people that you wish would never leave because you were so much fun […]
Introducing Sammy | Newborn Baby Photography
Sam, So writing this post to you is so exciting for me. Long before you were created your awesome mommy has been a fan of mine- reading these fun blog posts of babies of all shapes and sizes. And now… it’s her turn. And I can’t even tell you how good it feels to gush […]
Brayden & Carter | 12 Month Twins
Brayden & Carter, It’s hard to believe that the itty bitty preemies that we fell in love with in the NICU are here in front of me- chunky, happy and healthy. When I watch you interact with your mom and dad it melts my heart and it’s hard to remember when they were a family […]