Introducing Avery | Brooklyn Newborn Photographer

Avery, Perfection doesn’t come close.  You were so beyond that for our time together that when we left you my assistant and I looked at each other and asked- did that really just happen?!  Not only were you great but so was your big brother.  His love for you is so sweetly on display when […]

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Introducing Olivia | Newborn Baby Studios

Olivia, You were a precious little love for your newborn session!  And I’m sure that it helps that your mama is no stranger to itty bitty little babies.  She and I have been friends for many many years from way back in the days when we worked in the NICU together.  And it’s so much […]

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The Eadie Family | Rocky River Family Photographer

Stella, You are no stranger to my camera.  In fact I’ve been catching that smile since pretty much the day you were born.  This session was a fun one  though- because you brought your parents along for the fun!  It was a blast capturing you this past year & I am so excited that your […]

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The Sluzewski Family | Fall Family Photographer

The Sluzewski Family, As I sit here and write this I am reminded of just how fast time goes.  Charlotte was an itty bitty newborn just a blink ago and now she is a crazy little toddler running around at the apple orchard!  I’ve loved following you and watching her personality emerge with each passing […]

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The Miller Family | Cleveland Heights Photographer

The Miller Family, Can we do that again?!  What.  A.  Blast!  Although it was a very chilly (oh and VERY windy) day… we made lemonade out of lemons and ran around to warm up!  Henry & Nathan didn’t seem to mind the blustery day- they laughed and ran around like it was the middle of […]

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The Mormile Family | Highland Heights Family Photographer

Well, this group is absolutely not camera shy- and with good reason!  Terra, the owner of Terra Sol Studio is an amazing photographer here in Northeast Ohio.  It was such an honor to capture not only her but her sweet little 4 (almost 5!) month old baby Dylan!  It feels like just yesterday I was at […]

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Introducing Jaden | Medina Newborn Photographer

Jaden, Your arrival is one of the most anticipated of the year.  When I got the message from your mommy (a friend of mine for so many years now) that she was having a son… I squealed with excitement.  First Jay- this fabulous and kind man enters her life.  And now you.  This perfect little […]

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Gavin 6 Months | Olmsted Falls Baby Photography

Gavin, It’s hard to imagine that this big, chunky baby in these images is the same skinny little smooch that I saw a mere 6 months ago as a newborn little boy (here)!  Everything about you makes me happy- especially your sweet baby rolls.  I love following your mom and dad and keeping updated on […]

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Madelynn 12 Months | Birthday Cake Smash

Madelynn, When I look back on your newborn session (here) it strikes me how fast time really does fly.  You slept the session away and let us play with you like you were our baby doll!  Now you are way more fun to play with but there is no sleepy little girl in sight.  You […]

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