Michael 12 Months | Chagrin Falls Baby Photographer

Michael, On a blustery Winter day, I met a ray of sunshine.  And he blew me away… I didn’t think that sessions could get any better than your 6 month session (here).  But somehow you topped it. Your hair, that BIG smile & your fabulous zest for life left me speechless the first time around […]

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The Szarka Family | Best Child Photographer Cleveland

Will & Ireland, You were unbelievable little models.  Both of you in amazingly good moods at my absolute favorite place in Cleveland to have a family photo shoot- no wonder this session was so magical! I had to laugh when I was told Will was so good for me during pictures because he was a […]

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Introducing Giuliana | Newborn Baby Photography

Giuliana, Sweet little girl you sure do know how to work the camera!  And you did just that for us!  From that gorgeous head of hair to your perfect skin you were a dream.  And the rain stopped just long enough for us to take you outside for a few shots- and it was so […]

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The McDonald Family | Triplet Photography Cleveland

Mikey, Maddie & Macy, From the moment I was there to hear your first cries & witness your first breaths until now went incredibly fast.  It’s like all of a sudden you are no longer babies, but kids, with your own personalities, preferences & perfect toothy smiles.  I remember sitting in the NICU talking with […]

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Introducing Sadie | Cleveland Ohio Newborn Photographer

Sadie & Evan, What a complete and utter joy it was to come over and play!  Sadie- at 19 days old, you couldn’t have been more content and happy to do all of the sweet newborn poses that we dreamed up for you.  And Evan, you were an amazing little helper.  It was fun to […]

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New York City Family Photographer | The Solomon Family

Ann-Margret, Jem & Beatrice, Standing by your side in this spot on your wedding day was amazing… coming back to this very special place to capture maternity images was fabulously surreal… but it somehow both of those pale in comparison to this.  Seeing you with your newborn baby girl (wearing an appropriately floral prom dress!) […]

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Leyna 3 Months | 3 Month Baby Photos

Leyna, Never in all my time of photographing squishy little loves have I EVER had a 3 month old baby as happy as you.  You were simply heavenly to work with- seriously!  Dressed in my signature colors with an outfit by my favorite designer Lilly Pulitzer you simply dazzled us. This is the second time […]

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Introducing Elizabeth W | Akron Newborn Photographer

Sweet Baby Elizabeth, It is absolutely crazy to me that this was you… just a few short weeks ago.  How can that be true?!  We talked of what (and who!) you would look like, what (…again… and who!) you would act like.  And little lady what we learned is that you are one of a […]

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Michael 12 Months | Baby Photographer

Michael, You, little man, were amazing.  In the place where your mom & dad celebrated their wedding 4 years ago, we went back to Voinovich Park to celebrate something even better- you.  And although I hope their cake smash didn’t end quite as messy as yours, I know their smiles are just as big as […]

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