The Sparker Family | 12 Month Cake Smash

Pearl, You are no stranger to the camera.  In fact, within days of being outside the womb I had the pleasure of meeting you for this phenomenal newborn session.  And it is such a fabulous honor to capture you again.  A year (almost to the day!) later.  The full head of dark hair, big blue […]

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The Ludwig Family | Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad Session

Ludwig Family, This was a completely different kind of of session.  I say this because at this session, my newborn posing specialist wasn’t by my side… and this wasn’t a newborn.  As anybody who is familiar with Brittany Gidley Photography knows, for this one, she was in front of the camera!  And she brought her […]

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Introducing Hudson | Rocky River Newborn Photographer

Hudson, You were a sleepy, happy little love for us all session long.  You, my friend, didn’t make a peep.  Allowing us to bend and mold you into the most fun little newborn positions- your session ROCKED!  Your mom and dad watched over us playing with huge smiles on their faces.  They adore you beyond […]

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Aryanna & Melania | Medina Baby Photography

Aryanna & Melania, You girls were full of smiles & full of energy for our session together!  Ariana- we had a blast chasing you around, throwing you in the air & dancing to the Wobble!  Your energy is infectious.  You are always game to play & laugh while always keeping a close eye on your […]

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Introducing Jillian | Top Newborn Photographer

Jillian, Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow.  At 15 days old you acted like you were just born.  Quiet & lovely you rocked out your newborn photo session like you were born for the camera!  And your mom and grandma were right by your side to ensure that they didn’t miss a moment of […]

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New York City Newborn Baby Photography | Introducing Beatrice

Beatrice, You are a blessing bigger than description- I really have no words worthy of describing how much we love you. From the first blurry little 3D ultrasound that I had the honor of attending-  I have been dreaming of what you would look like.  And my dreams don’t hold a candle.  You are gorgeous […]

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The Pasatta Family | Family Beach Photography

Pasatta Family, Can we do that again?!  I mean seriously- I could have stayed all day long and played on the beach with all of you.  I knew our session would be good when mama wrote me that I have creative freedom (LOVE that!) to do what I do best.  And did I ever! There […]

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Introducing Benjamin | Newborn Baby Photographer

Benjamin, Oh baby boy you could not have been more perfect for us.  From your sweet demeanor, to that gorgeous skin not only are you stunning, but you are as amazing as they come! And could we have met a more perfect family surrounding you?  Not a chance. Your mom can’t stop smiling every time […]

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