Meet Gigi 11 Months | Professional Baby Photographer

Gigi, I don’t know that I have ever had a baby as HAPPY as you.  Wow!  You made my job oh so easy.  Every time I so much as looked your direction, that big grin with teeny white teeth were looking back at me.  It’s not hard to see why though.  Spend 5 minutes with […]

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Introducing William | Newborn Baby Photography

William, You were a fantastic little model for us- and I think it’s safe to say that you win the Brittany Gidley Photography award for best hair!  Sweet little features that make you that perfect mix of mom and of dad, the glimpses from those big eyes & that amazing hair (yes, I love that […]

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Introducing Avery | Professional Newborn Photographer

Avery, I had been looking forward to our time together since the first time I ‘met’ you here.  We didn’t know if you were a boy or a girl.  We didn’t know that you would have ALLLL of that hair!  And we certainly didn’t know how crazy we would be about you. You are a […]

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Alan 5 Months | Baby Photography

Alan, The past 5 months may have been the fastest of my life.  From your birth day here to your perfect newborn session here you have carved such a special place into my heart.  Getting to know you & your fantastic parents has been better than I ever could have imagined! And now here we are 5 […]

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Matthew 10 Months | Cleveland Baby Photography Specialist

Matthew, You are sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet!  From those big cheeks to that (really fast) crawl- I had an amazing time capturing you and chasing your teeny tiny self  during our session together.  You are a fearless little boy & your smile can light up even the cloudiest of days.  Edgewater Park was the […]

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The Douglas Family | Family Portraits Cleveland

Brad, Jen & Maddie, I feel like I’ve waited FOREVER for this session.  We have been dreaming it up since our last session here when you were a fresh one day home from the hospital.  Time has never flown so fast. I had no idea back then just exactly what God had in store.  The sweet […]

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The Wickens Family | Los Angeles Family Photographer

Los Angeles. Manhattan Beach.  At Sunset.  Swoon…. This is the kind of session that  family photographer dreams are made of.  Take a gorgeous mommy & daddy, mix it with a big brother with a HUGE smile & a feisty little sister who runs through the sand with reckless abandon and what do you have? This! […]

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Introducing Dylan | Award Winning Newborn Photographer

Dylan, Sweet baby boy- I really thought pictures couldn’t get any better than your birth day party (here).  Then (just a few days later!) came your newborn session… WOW! Those eyelashes, that hair & that perfect olive skin made for a newborn photographer’s dream!  And then on top of it- your calm little personality was […]

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