Introducing Isaac | Professional Newborn Photo

Isaac, You were full of smiles for your session with us!  Happily snuggled into your dad’s hand, bowls & even perfectly posing on an antique radio- you did it buddy- and you did it with style!  I don’t know that I have ever laughed as much as I did at your session.  Your home is […]

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Meet Ranger | Cleveland Dog Photographer

Ranger, What can I say?  You were a blast to capture running around the beach having the time of your life!  Your mama & auntie made sure you held still for some picture perfect captures and then- bam- you were off chasing the waves again!  From your close ups to your action shots I’d say […]

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Dylan & Alexis | Best Cleveland Child Photography

Dylan & Alexis, You two were way too much fun to get to know and test out just what this camera can do with!  From our awesome ‘jumping over Brittany’ shots to the perfect ones where you just hung out laughing together as siblings with the city behind you- you guys are such a joy […]

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Clara & Bowser | Best Cleveland Child Photographer

Clara & Bowser, What a pair the two of you make!  Clara with your stunning ringlets & amazing wardrobe… Bowser with those big eyes, bow tie & floppy ears!  You two absolutely stole my heart.  Not only are the pictures phenomenal, but I had an absolute blast playing in the sand with the two of […]

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Happy Birthday Luke | One Year Photography Cleveland

Luke, Perfect weather??? Check. Amazing Parents??? Check. Happy Little Boy??? Check. Cake Ready To Be Demolished??? Check!!! You completely blew us away for your one year cake smash photo session!  Not only did you have a ball playing with your dad, but you covered yourself in icing from the top of your head to the […]

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Introducing Daniel | Professional Newborn Photography

Daniel, You were the most snuggly, sweet, smiley boy for your newborn session with us!  You were full of calm curiosity about this little modeling gig that we had going on.  To say you made my day was an understatement- you simply stunned us. Not only did we love you but we also loved your […]

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Happy Birth Day Dylan | Birth Photographer Cleveland

Dylan, To say that you are perfect does you no justice. You gave your mama an easy breezy pregnancy, arrived right on time on your due date & snuggled deep into your daddy’s arms.  You.  Are.  Perfect.  From your long spiky hair, to your HUGE hands, to your gently creased little feet you are the […]

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Introducing Kaius | Newborn Photos Cleveland

Kaius, We had so much fun capturing you at a mere 6 days old.  Your wonderful parents & your gentle giant of a golden retriever, Journey, served as the perfect ‘props’ for your newborn session with us.  We watched you in awe & couldn’t get over how you just slept the afternoon away- even when […]

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