Mila Peach 3 Months | Cleveland Baby Photography

Mila, What a little {diva} you are already!  Full of {smiles} & happy to try on whatever {crazy outfits} your mama picks out for you- you are quite the {super model} already.  But what really {took my breath away} with your session was {watching your mommy & daddy watch you}.  They are {head over heels […]

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The Ludban Family | Cleveland Family Photography

Kennedy & Grace sure did {keep me on my toes} during our morning session together.  These girls and I had a great time {playing tag}, {climbing the rocks}, {rolling in the grass} & enjoying the {sunshine by the lake}!  A {picture perfect} session if I do say so myself…     Love, Brittany Owner, Brittany Gidley […]

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The Ennes Family | Cleveland Family Photography

Take 2 {awesome little boys} & add in 2 {amazing parents} and this is what you get!  I had such a {great time} with all of you during our family session together.  {Braving the rocks}, {silly kids}, {hitting a twig on my camera over and over and over} & that pretty {Cleveland skyline} were the […]

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Introducing Carter | Cleveland Newborn Photography

{Hello Carter.}  So nice of you to {finally} join us.  You were certainly worth the wait with those {smushy lips}, {mini-mohawk} & {Buckeye spirit}!  Being the center of so many celebrations this year it should come as no surprise that you were {an angel} during our 2nd… or is it 5th… {who’s counting anyways?!} official […]

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The Pavli Family | Cleveland Family Photography

One of the things I {love} the most about family photography is seeing how {2 people in love} created this {amazing} group.  We had a really good time capturing the more {formal} side of Brittany Gidley Photography but didn’t forget to carve out some time just for {my little Hailey} (can you believe it’s been 6 months […]

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Introducing Grace | Cleveland Newborn Photography

Grace-   Your name sums it up.  God has {blessed us beyond belief} by adding you to our family.  Having you as my niece is an {honor that is both humbling & amazing}.  It moves me to tears to think about {how thankful} we all are that you are {healthy & safe}.  Your mom & […]

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Happy Birth Day Carter | Ohio Birth Photography

You are {finally} here.  It’s hard to believe honestly.  From your gender reveal party to your nautical themed shower to the session you didn’t even know you were the {star} of here, you have been {oh so anticipated & loved since day 1 in the womb}.  Then… the {icing on my cake}– you chose to share a birthday {with […]

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Introducing Ashton | Cleveland Newborn Photography

Ashton, You are going to be an {all star}!  Something tells me at your 12 month pictures you won’t be {laying} next to the clubs- {you’ll be swinging them}!  Your mom & dad will {cheer you on} always.  I know this because at a mere {few days} old, it’s apparent, you have already {scored a […]

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Introducing Pearl | Cleveland Newborn Photography

Pearl, You couldn’t have been more {perfect} for your newborn session!  You had all of the right accessories- your {favorite} blanket (from Great Grandma!), a {flawless} face & a {big old mop} of hair!  What a {joy} it was to meet you & to spend an afternoon showing off just how {lovely} you are!   […]

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Introducing Cate | Cleveland Newborn Photography

Baby Cate… You are one {very lucky} little girl.  You have the {sweetest} parents on the planet & a big sister who {can’t wait} to show you the {awesome} Barbie doll collection  you will soon share.  All of them take turns {lovingly holding} you, {smiling}, thankful to God for this little {miracle} named Cate…   […]

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