Introducing Evan | Cleveland Newborn Photography

What a {fun} pair the two of you are together!  Evan- I am still getting over my surprise that {you’re a boy} (we didn’t know until he was born)!  You were {incredibly sweet} with all that hair & your sleepy eyes!  Allison- I could play peek-a-boo {allllllllll day long} with you in that {amazing} toy […]

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Zac 12 Months | Cleveland Baby Photography

{O. N. E.}  Three {little} letters that make such a {big} difference. That 12 month mark says goodbye to {baby beginnings} and hello to {toddler times}.  I know all of you will enjoy {every second} of what’s to come… {Happy First Birthday Zac}! Love, Brittany Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography LLC Cleveland Baby Photography

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Introducing Stella | Cleveland Newborn Photography

Stella was sure to let us know that this is {her first modeling gig} and she’s {not} going to sleep though it!  This {bright-eyed beauty} is every bit as {fabulous} as her name suggests.  Those {beautiful lips} & {perfect skin} are compliments of her gorgeous mama & make me {smile} every time I see them! […]

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Austin 6 Months | Cleveland Baby Photography

Austin… {Where} did the past 6 months go?!  Last time my camera met with you- you were a {squishy} little newborn (reminder here).  Now- you are a {big}, {funny}, {laughing-from-your-belly} baby boy!  It is always a {pleasure} to catch up with you & capture your {ever-changing} little self!   Love, Brittany Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography […]

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Introducing Cooper | Cleveland Newborn Photography

The award for {littlest Buckeye fan} goes to… Cooper!  What a {joy} you & your family were to work with.  They love you to {little bitty pieces} & are so {amazed} by your {sweet baby details}…  I look forward to keeping in touch with your mama & hearing of {all of the fun} you are […]

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Surprise! | Cleveland Maternity Photography

Who can forget Jackson’s {fabulous} 12 month session (click here to jog your memory)?  Well my {amazing} little model & his parents have a whole new reason to {smile big} these days…   {Congratulations Herbert Family (of 4!)!!!!!}       Love, Brittany Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography LLC Cleveland Maternity Photography

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The Reidy Family | Cleveland Baby Photography

They are simply the {cutest}, {kindest}, most {picture perfect} of families.  I loved {dancing} in the living room, seeing baby Patrick {smile} & talking about the {common thread} in our lives.  I look forward to watching your family {grow} & hearing about all if your {new adventures} now that you are {finally} together! Love, Brittany […]

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The Jones Girls | Cleveland Newborn Photography

One of the most important people in my life is {undoubtedly} my sister Bailey.  I can {only imagine} big sister Karys’s {excitement} to see that God has blessed her with one too- baby Kambri.  What an honor to capture these {first moments} at the beginning of what will be a {beautiful}, {lifelong} friendship. Love, Brittany Owner, […]

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The Futoran Family | Cleveland Family Photography

What a {pleasure} it was getting to know each & every one of you!  Thanks for {braving} the rocks of Edgewater & bringing out your {best smiles} for a {wonderful session} filled with {family} & {love}!     Love, Brittany Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography LLC Cleveland Family Photography

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The Jelovsek Family | Cleveland Family Photography

A {few} favorite things from my session with the Jelovsek family include…  Being greeted by {Afro Barbie}… Somehow feeding sweet Sydney an {entire bag} of dog treats… Swim goggles with a {big smile} on Maddie’s face… {Jessie doll} taking pictures… Watching my friend Jen be this {silly}, {fun}, {carefree} Mom… {Mac} & {Mag}…  {Mac} & […]

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