Behind The Scenes | Cleveland Baby Photography

One of my {favorite} things about my job is watching a {sometimes chaotic} session turn into {beautiful art}.  A special thanks to my client for giving me some ‘Before’ images- showing just how {silly} I am willing to look for the {perfect} shot!  Enjoy!     Love, Brittany Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography LLC Cleveland Baby Photography

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Introducing Braylon | Cleveland Newborn Photography

Dear Braylon- what a {pleasure} it is to capture you just {7 days} into life.  Your Mommy was {so excited} when she found out you were on the way but it’s nothing compared to the {joy} I see in her now.  She & your Dad are {absolutely in love}.  I look forward to hearing about […]

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Introducing Hanna | Cleveland Newborn Photography

Dear Hanna… I have been looking forward to this session since you {waltzed} into the world almost {three months early}.  What an {adventure} you have had already.  To see you home- {safe and sound}, asleep in the {loving} arms of your mommy & daddy fills my heart with an {unspeakable joy}.  You are a {fighter} […]

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Introducing Hailey | Cleveland Newborn Photography

Dear Hailey… What a {perfect} little love you were for our (well, technically) 3rd session together!  For this one, you my dear, were {the shining star}.  Those sparkling eyes & crazy-in-love parents were the perfect accessories for your debut.  So without further adieu- here is the first of {many} love stories to tell.  I am […]

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Baby Hailey Birth Day | Cleveland Birth Photography

Little Miss Kelling- what an {honor} to capture your first breath.  To see your daddy {fall in love} with you & to capture the first of {so many} kisses from your mommy.  You are {miraculous} & God has been {so good} to you by giving you a family that {loves you} more than words.    […]

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Hanna’s Shower | Cleveland Baby Shower Photography

I have always loved {baby showers} and this one was no exception.  It was for a {special baby}- Baby Hanna… You see, this little girl has {fought} for her life since her very first breath.  Her family {stands beside her}- her biggest cheerleaders.  Giving {support}, {hope} & {love}.  This was a day for her.  To {celebrate} & {spoil} the littlest […]

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Jackson 12 Months | Cleveland Baby Photography

{Balloons}, {bubbles}, {sunshine} & a little {sand} are the key ingredients in the recipe for a {very happy} baby Jackson!  I never tire of the privilege of capturing a {first}! For this little man it was his first time {discovering the beach}!  I enjoyed {every second} of my afternoon with my new little friend & I […]

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Baby James’ Birth Day | Cleveland Birth Photography

Baby James, What an honor to be at the beginning of your life…  What a shock to hear {‘It’s a boy!!!} out of your Daddy’s mouth.  What a {thrill} to watch your parents fall {crazy in love} with you.  What a {beautiful} way to be born- into a room & into a world with so much {love} […]

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