Emersyn 2 Years | Edgewater Beach

Edgewater Beach Emmie, It was so good to see you again, little Emersyn! You’ve grown so much since last time, and I know you’ll be even more grown the next time I see you. You’re growing faster than the grass you were running through at Edgewater! Don’t grow up too fast, little one — you’ve […]

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Edgewater Beach Photographer | Jack 2 Years

Edgewater Beach Photographer Jack, We were so lucky to celebrate your second birthday with you! We had so much fun at Edgewater Beach, it was the perfect place to have a party with you and your grandparents — you all did a great job showing off your laughter and your beautiful smiles! Everyone was so […]

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Baby Photography Studio | Cece 6 Months

Baby Photography Studio It was so nice to get to love on you again, miss Natalie and little Cece! We’d heard for a long time that you were growing into happy and caring sisters, but we didn’t quite believe it until we saw it in person! Natalie, you made me remember when I was an […]

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Baby Photographer | Jay 12 Months | Brecksville Reservation

Baby Photographer Baby Jay, Sweet little nugget, how the heck are you 12 months old already?! Even though we were pushing bed times, Brecksville Reservation have us THE most glowing gorgeous summer light to play in.  It was glorious, but Jay, you’re the one who truly shines!!!  Just like at your 6 month images, your […]

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Best Newborn Photographer | Introducing Josephine

Best Newborn Photographer Josephine, Ohhhhhh my word, you’re a GIRL!  And while we would have been happy with a little brother or a little sister for sweet Miles, this is going to be such a fun experience!  A little SISTER to love!!!! Our shoot was picture perfect- quite literally.  From your sleepy little poses, to […]

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Best Family Photography Pennsylvania | The Meyer Family

Best Family Photography Pennsylvania Meyer Family, Hard to believe it’s been an entire year since we celebrated Ezra’s first birthday!  But my oh my how much can change in a year right?! Noa, you talk so so so much now (but Elijah, you still win as our informant!).  Isaac you have completely come out of […]

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Best Newborn Photography Cleveland | Introducing Adelaide

Best Newborn Photography Cleveland

Best Newborn Photography Cleveland Addie, Here she is- the rainbow we have waited for!  Sweet Adelaide, what a thrill that you are here safe and sound! In the words of my friends from thebump.com, ‘A rainbow baby is a baby born shortly after the loss of a previous baby due to miscarriage, stillbirth or death […]

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