Cleveland Cultural Gardens Photography | Bodnovich Maternity

Cleveland Cultural Gardens Photography  Baby Bodnovich, There are a few things that we already know about you- first things first- you’re a girl.  But probably not an over the top girly girl, but we can totally try to steer you that way right?!  Also, we know that your name will start with K!  Hooray! But […]

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Tremont Newborn Photographer | Introducing Cooper

Tremont Newborn Photographer Cooper, Rewind a few years, and two people met at the dog park in central Ohio.  They fell in love, they got married… and now there’s YOU!  And it’s easy to see why you keep breaking the internet with each and every newborn image that we post, it’s because the entire world […]

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Chagrin River Park | The Miozzi Family

Chagrin River Park Kait, London & Emily, Little loves, we have been playing together for over 6 years now.  And I’m not quite sure how I blinked and you grew up but I swear the time goes faster and faster between each and every year! From our days loving on you Kaitlin & London as […]

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Medina Baby Photographer | Camden 6 Months

Medina Baby Photographer Camden, What a night! Sweet little Camden I knew you were special from the beginning. Not only is your first name really really cute, but your last name happens to be one that I know well. You see, your last name is my maiden name. And so you bet you as soon […]

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Baby Photography | Eliana 12 Months | Brecksville Reservation

Baby Photography | Eliana 12 Months | Brecksville Reservation Eliana, There is no doubt how very loved you are.  From the tiny curls on your head (to the cheese curls in your hands) and down to your chubby little toes in the grass.  Ohhhhh my goodness your session is overflowing with that gooey kinda love […]

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Baby Photo Studio | Viv 12 Months

Baby Photo Studio Viv, What pure joy you were for your 12 month cake smash images at the Brittany Gidley Photography studio!  Even though we were set to play outside- Mother Nature had other plans. But we made lemonade out of lemons and created the most over the top cake smash images with the new […]

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Cleveland’s Best Newborn Photographer | Introducing Sia

Cleveland’s Best Newborn Photographer Sia, Along with your big sister and big brother, we had a BLAST rocking out the most beautiful newborn session in the land with you!  And while it’s no question that you are a modest girl (I mean seriously, when we unwrapped you, you said no thanks!) you sure were sweet […]

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Cleveland Museum of Art Photography | The Murphy Family

Cleveland Museum of Art Photography Liv & Bre, This marks our SIXTH year of fun together!  What the whaaaat?!  I have had the pleasure of watching your family grow from two to three to four.  And in that time there have been the very best of memories- grandparents we love, dogs we’ve lost, the excitement […]

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