Lemonade Stand Dream Session | Denver 12 Months

Lemonade Stand Dream Session Along with our friends at One Stylish Party, White Flower Cake Shoppe, and The Digital Team, we celebrated Denver turning ONE in style!!!!!! What a journey it has been to watch your family grow over the past few years!  It all started with sweet Dakota and our journey in the NICU- […]

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Beach Photographer | Adeleine 9 Months | Edgewater Beach

Beach Photographer  Baby Addie, I can’t believe you 9 month session is already here!  Wayyyy back in the day, your mom and dad had wedding pictures on the beach.  And when we chatted about what to do for your Summer sesh, we knew the beach was going to be the magical spot!  We got to […]

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Lakewood Newborn Photography | Introducing Theo

Lakewood Newborn Photography Theo, Along with Ruby, Cici, Jay and your fabulous parents, we had a BLAST loving on you for your newborn session here at Brittany Gidley Photography!  From the moment you walked in, you had us smiling with that LONG gorgeous dark hair and your perfect skin too! By far, my favorite set […]

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Chagrin Falls Baby Photographer | Jacob 6 Months

Chagrin Falls Baby Photographer Jacob & Lily, Thank you so much for spending the morning playing at South Chagrin Reservation with us!  Not only is it a magical place (that totally looks like an enchanted forest, right?!), but it’s basically in your backyard in the new house!   Lily, for 4 years now (wow- that went […]

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Beach Pregnancy Pictures | Waiting on Baby S | Edgewater Beach

  Beach Pregnancy Pictures Baby S, The ENTIREEEEE day of your baby bump session it was pouring down rain.  I. Mean. Pouring.  And yes, there was an earthquake speckled in there too…  So just when it felt like it just may not be in the cards for us to shoot that day- something amazing happened.  […]

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