Beach Baby Photographer | Eleanor 6 Months | Edgewater Beach


  Beach Baby Photographer Ellie, Thomas & Evie, It’s been 4 (and a half but who’s counting right?!) years of loving on your family and giving you the very best.  And in that time I have had SO many favorite memories.  But watching you at the beach (one of my very favorite beaches might I […]

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Stan Hywet Photographer | Anderson 12 Months


Stan Hywet Photographer | Anderson 12 Months Carter & Anderson, Wayyyyyy back a year ago (do you like how I make the fastest 12 months of my life seem like forever ago!), I already knew that the two of you would be best friends. And it’s pretty surreal to stand here and see if all […]

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Newborn Photographers | Introducing Liz

Newborn Photographers | Introducing Liz

  Newborn Photographers Lily & Liz, What a pair you two are! We loved getting to spend the day with you two. Smiles from the moment you walked into the room. But what made today even more special was meeting sweet the newest addition to this already perfect family- baby Liz! Lily, you danced your […]

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Willoughby Newborn Photographer | Introducing Nikolai

Willoughby Newborn Photographer | Introducing Nikolai

  Willoughby Newborn Photographer Nikolai, Words can hardly express how excited we are that you are finally here!  Known as ‘the little embryo that could’, it’s quite beautiful what a whole lot of love (and a little bit of science) can do.  God knew the perfect family to give you to as well!  Your mommy […]

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Bay Village Ohio Newborn Photographer | Introducing Audrey


  Bay Village Ohio Newborn Photographer Audrey, From the moment I heard that your mommy is, too, a NICU nurse- I knew we would be a match made in Heaven!  And while having a baby for 12 (who are we kidding- 16 hour!) shifts is wayyyy different than having one in your home twenty four […]

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Chicago Family Photographer | The Johnson Family


  Chicago Family Photographer Johnson Family, It’s not every day that we get to play in a new city- but Chicago’s Glacial Park was pure magic with the sixteen (yes, you read that right- 16!!!!) of you! Nana’s 70th birthday sure did draw a crowd and she was still beaming with joy over her most […]

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Baby Photographer | Maya 6 Weeks Old

  Baby Photographer Maya, At 6 weeks old, we sure did get the best of all of you.  The sweet smiles of an older baby but the cozy wrapped up love of a little girl who isn’t so far from those sweet sleepy newborn stages! From your gorgeous gray nursery furniture, to the pops of […]

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Chillin Like A Villain Dream Session | Edgewater


  Chillin Like A Villain Dream Session Sweet Corinne, How are you already one whole year old?! It feels like your beautiful in home newborn session in Columbus was just yesterday! I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun and your family sure knows how to have some fun! This Disney Villains Dream […]

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