Gates Mills Newborn Baby Photographer | Introducing Jimmy

Gates Mills Newborn Baby Photographer What an exciting journey it’s been for you to be here! You are SO perfect from your sweet little face all of the way down to your tiny little toes! Let’s not forget about your little rolls and perfect amount of chunkiness! You broke all of the chubby baby records […]

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Wishful Watermelon Dream Session | Nicholas 12 Months

Wishful Watermelon Dream Session Hodgson Family, Thank you for inviting us to your beautiful property on that perfect sunny Monday night! What a magical and fun session filled with LOTS of watermelons, littles driving the gator, cake and more! Sweet little Ellie even helped us transport all of the watermelons to our set. She is such a […]

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Beachwood Ohio Newborn Photographer | Introducing Hadley

Beachwood Ohio Newborn Photographer Sweet Baby Hadley, Oh how we’ve been waiting for you with such excitement and anticipation! You are everything we ever dreamed of and more! Your sweet little face and tiny little fingers and toes can make anyone fall instantly in love with you! You barely made a peep your entire session […]

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Studio Tea Party | Ava & Alessandra 12 Months

Studio Tea Party Ruoti Family, Oh what a fun filled Sunday morning we had in the studio! From the sea of balloons to the precious little tea party and cake smash, this session was twin girl goals! You guys had a blast getting into all of the little sets we had created for you! Your mommy and […]

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Introducing Celeste | Akron Newborn Photography

Akron Newborn Photography Celeste, Where do I even begin with how perfect you are… let’s start with saying that you are absolute hair goals! I mean seriously I don’t think I’ve ever seen a little babe with more hair than you! Not to mention you were a complete angel throughout your entire session! You even […]

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Introducing Jack | Canton Newborn Photographer

Canton Newborn Photographer Sweet Baby Jack, You were an absolute angel from the moment you walked into BGP’s studio, I couldn’t of asked for a more perfect little babe! You didn’t make one peep your entire session! You slept the session away being the perfect little model baby! We had so much fun posing you, […]

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