California Baby Photographer
Thomas & Ellie,
All of our adventures this far have been in Cleveland- so imagine how thrilled I was to come to California to love on you two this time! And at the turn of seasons, this truly could not have been a better time to escape to the sunshine and have a little fun together!
You two have always been phenomenal littles for me, and now that we added in Fable the alpaca , this session is literally a dream come true!
In Hollywood, we found the perfect little spot with fabulous light to have our boho fun! Thomas, you were so proud to walk Fable through the macrame and to feel his oh so soft fur! Ellie, you are so insanely chill always and that was exactly the case tonight too! You sat there, smiling and just as happy as can be!
I’m so excited to come back in about a month and love on you again! This time I’m hearing there will be some buttercream involved and I’m beyond pumped for THAT adventure!
2019 has been incredible and we are so excited to start counting the blessings that 2020 has in store for all of you too… including a baby brother!!! Eeeek! See you soon!
