Twin Cake Smash | Carmie & Della 12 months
Our sweet girls are one! I can’t believe you guys were such little peanuts only 4 pounds each when I saw you last. And now you two are flying off the charts growing.
Carmie, you were about to take off running around the studio. Della, if you had your bottle in your hand you were ready for anything! You two came in looking like the identical magical twins you are but I knew the difference between my girls.
Even your older brother Henry came along to play! Henry, you have been growing into such a handsome little man. Your smile still is one of my favorites. And that cute little giggle, too. Honestly, I could play with you three all day long.
We did some family images on the couch. Our favorite snuggled-up siblings on the bed. But nothing compared to putting you two girls into a bubble bath together! Bless my soul was the cuteness on overdrive. Flower crowns, bubbles, and two sets of baby rolls squished together. YES PLEASE! I will take this moment ten times over. Everyone, even you sweet girls were giggling with fun.
Today we did things a little backward with a bath and then a cake smash but isn’t the saying “we saved the best for last” and boy, did we ever.
Two precious girls, two glitzy glittery outfits, two headbands, and TWO White Flower CAKES- ready for a twin cake smash! (You read that right… two cakes!)
We were ready for the actions. Even Mom said she thinks you would dive right in being the curious girl you are. And she wasn’t wrong! Let’s just say a cake may have been knocked over and the buttercream was in our hair. I would not trade this moment though for the world. Carmie and Della, I can’t wait to watch you continue to grow up and share that special bond with Henry. Happy birthday babes!!!

Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography
Twin Cake Smash