Cleveland Baby Boy Photographer | Studio | Emmett 12 Months

Happy Birthday, Emmett!

You stole our hearts at your first birthday shoot. You, sir, are on the move! It was a blast to get to follow you around and let you explore the studio by foot, and crawling, and scooting. I, obviously, love getting posed photos, but those candid action shots of little fellas learning about their world, really make me fall in love all over again with photography.

Mommy and Daddy came with you to the studio. You are a perfect mix of the two of them to me! You guys were coordinated so great and I, especially, thought Mommy looked gorgeous in her floral dress. I am ready for Spring anyway, but your Mommy got me extra ready for all things warm and bright!  

You were a mover and shaker for sure, but you didn’t mind pausing to let your parents cuddle you for the camera. I think its so sweet that you are willing to explore but always have a place to land in their arms where you are so comfortable. You gave us some of the best smiles but I know you weren’t smiling into the lens, but rather, that you were grinning up at your parents who adore you. I don’t blame them! I adore you too!

The cake was probably your favorite part of our time together. It was a super cute cake that must have tasted as good as it looked! You served up all the best buttercream face looks and I was here for it all. I wasn’t sure you were going to dig it when you first saw it sitting in front of you, but you figured it out and it made us all winners.  

I hope I get to see you back in the studio again soon and I hope your birthday was the best!

12 Month Old Baby Boy
12 Month Old Baby Boy
Photography of Babies
Photography of Babies
Cake Smash Photographer | Cleveland Baby Boy Photographer
Cake Smash Photographer | Cleveland Baby Boy Photographer



Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography