Cleveland Heights Newborn Photography | Introducing Emerson
Welcome to the world Emerson!
You are just the sweetest and your silly faces along with your sweet sleeping faces lit up this photoshoot! You looked adorable with the different hair pieces and poses. I’m pretty sure they were made especially for you. You are pretty in pink… and, well, every color.
We took a lot of photos, but the ones with your mommy and daddy really melted my heart. Baby Emerson, you just snuggled right in with your favorite people. While you did sleep through part of the shoot, you were not camera shy when you woke up and started waving at me! Those gorgeous dark eyes and happy smiles really shined through the pictures. You have such an amazing personality already. Even when you were sleepy, we got great shots that will remind your parents of their sweet baby girl for years to come.
Speaking of sweet, this baby’s parents have the cutest story. Talk about making lemonade out of lemons! They have traveled all over, trying to check everything off their bucket list and seeing as much as possible. They even got engaged in London! Covid put a stop to their travel plans, but with just one look at these family photos, it is clear that their favorite thing they have checked off the bucket list is starting a family.
Emerson, you and your parents were so much fun to have in the studio. I loved every minute of capturing you. You were a supergirl with all the different poses I put you in and did not mind the camera in your face. Your parents are amazing parents already and we had so much in common to talk about while I took your pictures.
I can’t wait to watch you grow and pretty soon you’ll be big enough to start traveling the world with your parents! Oh the adventures you have to come…

Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography