Cleveland Newborn Twin Photographer | Introducing Anna and Ava
Welcome, Anna and Ava!
I am tickled pink that you beautiful girls came and spent the day napping with me at the studio! It was a win-win-win. You napped all warm and snuggly, I did my favorite thing in the whole world- photograph babies, and Mommy and Daddy got beautiful pictures of their two gorgeous girls.
This shoot was so much fun and not just because it was double the sweetness. Mommy wanted a super girly feel for the images and I was all about it. You girls with your thick, dark hair, mile-long eyelashes, and softest baby skin look like absolute dolls. Ava and Anna, you were an absolute joy to photograph. We fed you a bottle, snuggled you up next to one another, and you were off to dreamland. You were the perfect models!
Your Mommy and Daddy are already amazing parents that think you both hung the moon. Watching your Mommy and Daddy watch you was such a delight because they are so proud of you already. Also, I have to mention how pretty Mommy looked. She is not only gorgeous but just radiates joy from the inside out.
Including the flowers from Mommy and Daddy’s wedding florist as a nod to their vows that they took a little more than a year ago was another really special touch that made this shoot so amazing. Welcoming you two is definitely a “for better” part of their lives together even though I know they’re sleep-deprived right now. You ladies are pure Heaven.
I love getting to know all four of you better and I am so excited to watch you girls grow. I know that you have a lifetime of the greatest love ahead of you filled with adventure and probably quite a few tea parties too.
All because two people fell in love…

Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography