Cleveland Ohio Baby Photography | Elijah 3 Months
My time with baby Elijah had a little bit of everything! He was awake; he slept; he cooed; he melted my heart into a giant puddle.
First of all, Elijah is a precious angel baby. The end.
Wait, no. I have so much more to say about him.
Elijah has the biggest brown, captivating eyes. For such a tiny little man at only 11 weeks, he has such a big personality. I could have spent all day with Elijah just watching him.
He would look around with those saucer brown eyes and absorb the world around him. When he was curious, his brow would furrow and when he was happy, he would smile his gummy grin from ear to ear. We would all smile right along with him because a smile like that is contagious. When I tell you it was the best, I mean it was the beeeesssst.
He must have gotten tired from all of his exploring because he even managed to doze off despite the lights and the shutter clicks and the giggles. We were able to pose him in some newborn poses too. Because he is a little older and squishier than most of my newborns, his cheeks were definitely the star of the show. It is so fun that we got newborn poses and big boy poses and all kinds of poses in between. His Momma showed me some inspiration shots and little Elijah knew it was his time to shine.
He rocked them all.
Elijah even let me take some pictures of his tiny, perfect feet and hands so his Momma and Daddy can remember when his whole hand wrapped around their little finger. I hope to see him back in the studio soon! Elijah is the happiest guy and I cannot wait to see how his personality develops as he grows.

Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography