Family Photo Shoot
Rizzo Family,
Our friendship didn’t start today. It started 10 years ago when a very beautiful little Julia came through the doors of the NICU that I was working in. And I remember adoring her beside you. She graduated from that NICU, and we all knew that God had placed her with the best family on the planet to continue loving on her like us nurses did.
I loved loved loved running into you here and there Downtown during your fundraising walk yearly. But the next real treat for me was being there when her little brother was born. Pure joy that day. Pure. Joy.
It was so special to me to do your family pictures with the whole family a handful of years back (betcha didn’t think I still had THIS!).
It’s been so cool to be a small part of your journey and watch them grow.
Today though, that was my favorite. OHHHHHHH my word how do you even explain the amazing smiles and the sibling bond and the love between you 5?! I am never at a loss for words, and right now I truly am. So where a picture is worth a thousand words, I hope these are worth a million.
I hope as the years roll on that these images bring you back to a crazy time with 2 kids and a puppy and laughter and so much joy.
Thank you for trusting me with your memories Rizzo family- because you are making mine too! I can’t wait to see how the Lord blesses you moving forward. There is already so much to be thankful for! Love you all so very much!

Team BGP