First Birthday Photographer | Addison 12 Months
Happy First Birthday, Addison!
Eeeeekkk! Addison, you were the very first person to get to play at our candy coated holiday set because it was just too too cold outside for a cake smash. I am so happy it worked out for you to be our first little gal in here though because you are the biggest sweetheart.
Your Mommy said that you missed your nap and that you weren’t even in that good of a mood, but I cannot imagine how delightful you must be when you are happy because you were practically perfect in every way already! Mommy did such a great job picking out your little outfits to spend time with me. You looked adorable and your big, gorgeous blueberry eyes were certainly the star of the show! I am pretty sure you are an actual living doll.
I can’t decide if Mommy or Daddy is your favorite because you were so at ease and having such a fun time with them both. I can say with complete certainty though that you are both Mommy and Daddy’s favorite. They adore you and I don’t blame them one single bit. You are so easy to love.
We got to play and do all sorts of fun things on the set, but I think the cake-eating part of your shoot was your favorite part. The first tentative bite is always a little startling, but once you got it figured out… yum! You were so dainty and precise, but I could tell you loved the cake as much as I do.
I know this first year with you has flown by for Mommy and Daddy. I hope these pictures help to keep this time in your life fresh in their memories when you still have sweet, little chubby feet and there is nowhere you’d rather be than by their side.

Love, Brittany