Goats and Giggles Dream Session | The Zeitler Family | Milwaukee
Goats and Giggles Dream Session | The Zeitler Family | Milwaukee
Kaleia and Parker, playing with you on the farm today might have been my best day ever! We’ve had so many fun times together, but I think this was my absolute favorite. Having the entire farm to ourselves made it feel like our own little adventure! It was peaceful, quiet and just the place for us to make some amazing memories!
Is there anything that says summer day more than a picnic? I don’t think so! The strawberries were so fresh and delicious and they were the perfect treat for everyone. After we filled our bellies it was time for the best part of the day – playing with the baby animals! You both were so kind and gentle with the bunny—he didn’t want to leave either of your arms. And that baby goat was so playful! I couldn’t stop laughing when she tried to eat our picnic snacks. What a little troublemaker! Collecting the chicken eggs was another fun adventure, and I loved watching you both dance around the farm with those eggs. We weren’t quite as good at collecting the chickens back up huh? You made the whole day feel like a celebration!
Daddy always has such a blast playing with his sweet little girls. He loves laughing with you two little ladies more than anything else in this world! And let’s not forget about how beautiful mommy looked today! She is the best mom ever and always ready for new adventures with you two. And guess what? There will be a new adventure for everyone to enjoy later this summer! Because Kaleia and Parker, you are going to both be big sisters! AHHHH! Another little girl is on the way! I am so excited that I can’t even contain it!!!!
What a perfect day! Enjoy everything about this summer and I can’t wait to see everyone again soon! Because the next time I see you there will be another sweet little Zeitler to love! AHHHH!

Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography