Newborn Baby Dream Session | Introducing Emerick
Emerick Ignatius, if having a parade when someone was born was a thing (that really should be a thing), you would have the biggest and best parade ever! You are loved more than any amount of words on this page can describe! Everyone- and I mean everyone- has been patiently waiting for your arrival! Not to mention you are bringing the baby fever to everyone you meet!
Emerick, you are the reason why I love being a newborn photographer! You were the perfect little love for the dream team! You arrived with a stunning head of dark hair with soft hints of dirty blonde to match your daddy! And those chubby cheeks! Oh my! I could just eat them up! Match that with your dark blue eyes and you might be the most handsome little guy I’ve ever seen! You are such a perfect combination of your beautiful mommy and handsome proud daddy! They are so relaxed around you and I can see why you are the perfect little model for us! When we had you wrapped up tight, you were as content as can be!
Today, we went big! You know I had to incorporate some of the amazingness from the baby shower of yours! I reached out to the one and only A Charming Fete and they were happy to join the fun! Who else has a coat of arms before they are even born? You did though didn’t you?!
Emerick, we had so much fun with you and your family today! We all took our turn snuggling with you & soaking in the tiny person that you are! I hope you keep those beautiful blue eyes and grow up have the personality and generous hearts of your parents. You are the light of their life and your adventure together as a family is only getting started!

Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography