Newborn Baby Photo Shoot | Introducing Dean
Hi there, baby Dean! Welcome to the world, you sweet little darling boy!!!!!!! We fell head over heels in love with your big personality. You were bright eyed for us, but oh so calm and just taking in this new world.
For a little one who didn’t want to miss a beat, you sure were HAPPY! From the acupuncture point called Happy Baby that they used while your mommy was pregnant, to your nurses saying you were very happy during labor and deliver and then fast forward to your newborn photo shoot. You were just, simply, happy!!! And you were so so good for us at the studio. We felt like we were playing dolls wrapping you up and capturing those big beautiful eyes. Your session was perfect. We had a great time with you and of course your mommy and daddy too.
Your Mom and Dad are so excited to have you in their lives- they aren’t the only ones. I have been praying for your arrival since I heard that they were trying (for years) to get you here! And you are such proof that God delivers blessings- He hears our prayers. And in His perfect timing, He answers them. You prove to us that nothing is impossible when we have amazing faith. You are just the light in their lives right now. They are crazy about you. And they have so much love for you, Dean. You are so very blessed. And you are their blessing.
We already can’t wait to see our happy baby again soon. We love you so so so much sweet Dean!
