
Cleveland Newborn Photography

Introducing Charlie | Chardon Newborn Baby

Charlie, You get the 2014 best sleeper award- hands down!  From your beautiful posing to family shots and everything in between, this was the kind of session that dreams are made of!  One of the moments that really took our breath away was watching you take your great grandfather’s military dog tags and pulling them […]

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Introducing Harlow | Newborn Baby

Harlow, Doll baby you took this session to the next level and raised the bar so very high.  I loved every shot of this gallery more than the last!  And not only did you rock out our time together- but your pups did too!  It was such a pleasure to have all of you together […]

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Introducing Ryan | Newborn Photography

Ryan, All 5 pounds of your sweet, sleepy little self were so fantastic for your newborn session!  You loved your close up and were the perfect little model!  By far, my favorite piece of our time together was the shot with your mommy.  Ohhhh myyyy wordddddd.  That BIG smile made me melt right into the […]

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Introducing Hannah | Newborn Photography

Hannah, Little doll baby you were such a blast to dress up and love on!  We were told that you love pink & purple along with simple headbands- just our style!  From your perfect skin, to those gorgeous little lashes we loved every itty bitty inch of you.  And perhaps one of my favorite things […]

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Introducing Nicolás | Cleveland Photographer

Nicolás, Sofía & Isabela, It’s been a while since the Brittany Gidley Photography studio has been light up like this!  What a fantastic session for sweet baby Nicolás and his big sisters (or should we call them ‘little mommies’).  If little man made even the slightest peep- you girls were right there to care for […]

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Introducing Kende | Best Newborn Photographers

Kende, Can we talk about perfection for a minute?  I mean not only are you insanely perfect with that smooth flawless skin and big expressive eyes (and I can’t forget the perfect little smile you gave me too!) but your parents!  Ohhhh your parents!  They are just as easy to love as you are!  We […]

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Introducing Parker | Best Newborn Photographer

Maia & Parker, Maia is no stranger to my camera.  She is the sweet little dolly that is on my website (and the star of this blog post here too!).  And it feels so very long ago that we had that fantastic session and now how life has changed.  Enter Parker… Buddy you were just […]

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Introducing Julian | Newborn Baby Photos

Tristan, Sebastian & Julian, Wow.  The three of you really lit up the Brittany Gidley Photography studio  in a way that we haven’t seen before!  From pretending to eat pancakes together to watching you love on your new little brother we had a blast together! There’s a special place in Heaven for the mother of […]

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