NICU Graduate
I struggle for the words to describe just how incredible you are. In my 8 years as a NICU RN, I have never encountered a preemie as strong as you. In my 5 years photographing sick and premature babies, I have never met anybody with the capacity to bring hope like you do.
And here I stand, looking at your face, with those long lashes and perfectly chunky cheeks- I know exactly who you are.
You are fearfully & wonderfully made. A child of The Most High God! You are His work of art and proof to all of us that miracles can- and do- happen.
In your 141 days on this planet (but who’s counting right?!), I have heard countless stories of how your journey brings hope, peace and encouragement. With your mommy and daddy by your side every single day, a one of a kind team of talented doctors and nurses, and the Lord lifting you up, you did it. You did it Dakota. You made it home. And while I know this is just the beginning for you and I, I want you to know that I am so incredibly proud of you!
Some day I hope you find these words- these little letters to you monthly while you were staying in the NICU. And I hope you see that you can do absolutely anything that you set your heart to. God has hand picked you as His daughter and He’s going to do amazing things with your life. How do I know? Because I have already witnessed it, with my own eyes.
