Pizzuto Family,
Is it just me or was that a complete BLAST?! Eeeek- I could just look at these all day long! Lexi- I can’t thank you enough for being such a huge help with the littles. They adore you and I loved watching them scramble to get next to you in every shot! Jake- Your smile has only gotten bigger since the last time you were in front of my camera. What a joy you bring with you everywhere you go. I told you that you earned the gold star today and I mean that. You were amazing. Cadence- there is a special place in my heart for you. There always has been. Since the day God put you and I together in the NICU you’ve been such a sweet pea to me. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have the opportunity to play with you and watch you develop into a little person year after year. You are an amazing blessing and proof that miracles happen. Nina- You are this amazingly loving and warm and FUN mom- and I’ve known that since we first met but I feel like I haven’t really gotten to see it until this year at our sessions. Not only do your kids adore you but I do as well. You are fantastic and mother these guys with peace and grace. Enjoy this little snippet of time that I captured for you today. I hope that your blessings multiply in 2014 and that you are showered in the same kind of fantastic love that you give to others!

Brittany Gidley Photography LLC