Santa Monica Pier Photos
Tang Girl Gang,
From our last session together on the Big Island of Hawaii to this shoot in your hometown at the Santa Monica Pier, we sure have nailed it on Dream Sessions around the world huh?! Livia- as the oldest, you know how to let loose and have some FUN! You know just how to play all of the games, laugh at your family and brighten anybody’s day! Palmer, sweet yet sassy, you have grown from this itty bitty baby that we celebrated turning one at our last session, to this beautiful blossoming little girl! You area always along for the ride (and the snacks!) and you know how to make a girl feel loved! Arden, ohhhhh my my my you are the leader of the pack! As the tiniest Tang, your grandparents warned me that you are also the spunkiest- but that’s what made this so much fun!!!
After our fun and games on the pier, we dropped on down to one of your favorite places to be as a family- the Santa Monica Beach! And we loved watching your faces light up as your daddy threw your baby sister into the air! In Tutu du Monde and converse kicks, you girls absolutely rocked this Dream Session and lit up my trip to So Cal! I can’t wait to see where our travels take us next- if I know one thing from these past 2, the beach will certainly be involved! Love you so much and can’t wait to play again soon little ladies! Until then, love every magical moment of being a family of 5 and all of the blessings that come in your lives!
