Shaker Heights Newborn Photographer
Along with your big sister Ellie, and big brother Emmett, we had a BLAST at your newborn session! Not only were we laughing the entire time, but we had so much fun getting our goofy on together and making the silliest animal sounds!
When I photographed Emmett 2 years ago, I thought your family was perfect. And it was. But it got even better this year with the addition of sweet Evan! Evan, you barely made a peep at your session with us, sleeping like a dream although you were nearly 1 month old. You are in for such a wonderful time with these 2 in your family! It’s going to be especially fun when you are big enough to wrestle and jump with them too!
Watching families like yours grow is what makes my heart sing and I am so very thrilled that I was the one chosen, again, to love on all of you! I hope that you look back at these and remember not only how small you all were, but also our fun of jumping on the bed, pushing the button on the camera and laughing until we are almost crying together!
