The Night Before Christmas Dream Session
Grace & Oliver,
For whatever reason, I was having a hard time ‘getting into the spirit’ this season. So down Uncle Shawn and I came to your brand new home in Jonesbourough Tennessee. And my oh my you two knew just how to fix that!
From the moment we arrived, it was all about Santa Claus- and of course- getting ready for him to come to town! Not only did we (all) write lists of what we want the most, but we found the perfect place to send them off too. And while I am certain that the elves are working on a stormtrooper costume and an elf on the shelf for you, one thing is for sure- you don’t need gifts to bring the magic!
As I watched you count down the days on your advent calendar, I couldn’t help but think about how incredibly you are loved you are. The two of you effortlessly show us just how BIG a sacrifice the Lord made when He sent His baby to this world on that Christmas night.
Thank you for always being the sunshine in our days. We are so excited to see Christmas through your eyes this year especially and continue to watch you grow. We love you more than words can comprehend. Merry merry merry Christmas Grace & Oliver!
