
Cleveland Toddler Photography

Wooster Ohio Newborn Photographer | Introducing Axel

Wooster Ohio Newborn Photographer | Introducing Axel Hello and welcome to the world little Axel! You totally lucked out on the name lottery, by the way — I mean, Axel?? I wish my name was half as cool. You’re going to be first in line for all the best things: recess, lunchtime, sports… there’s no […]

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Cleveland Newborn Baby | Introducing Walker

Cleveland Newborn Baby Mister Walker, Weren’t you just snug as a bug in a rug in your fluffy blankets for this session? You never fell asleep, though — your beautiful eyes were open BIG, not wanting to catch a MINUTE of anything that was going on! Little darling boy, it was so amazing to see […]

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Emersyn 2 Years | Edgewater Beach

Edgewater Beach Emmie, It was so good to see you again, little Emersyn! You’ve grown so much since last time, and I know you’ll be even more grown the next time I see you. You’re growing faster than the grass you were running through at Edgewater! Don’t grow up too fast, little one — you’ve […]

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Best Newborn Photographer | Introducing Josephine

Best Newborn Photographer Josephine, Ohhhhhh my word, you’re a GIRL!  And while we would have been happy with a little brother or a little sister for sweet Miles, this is going to be such a fun experience!  A little SISTER to love!!!! Our shoot was picture perfect- quite literally.  From your sleepy little poses, to […]

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Turning Panic into Power | 5 Ways To Keep Your Family Healthy & Happy Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic

Turning Panic Into Power 5 Ways to Keep Your Family Healthy and Happy Amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic Overwhelmed with all of the details on the Coronavirus Pandemic?  What’s right?  What’s wrong?  And most importantly, what is the BEST way to protect the little ones that we adore.  Well lucky for us… a beloved neonatal nurse […]

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Ohio Newborn Photographer | Introducing Cece

Ohio Newborn Photographer Cece & Natalie, You little ladies are no strangers to BGP.  In fact, you have been with us since your family went from a party of two to a party of three! It’s hard to believe that the little red head we met just a few years ago (I’m looking at you Natalie!) […]

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Chagrin River Park | The Miozzi Family

Chagrin River Park Kait, London & Emily, Little loves, we have been playing together for over 6 years now.  And I’m not quite sure how I blinked and you grew up but I swear the time goes faster and faster between each and every year! From our days loving on you Kaitlin & London as […]

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Cleveland Museum of Art Photography | The Murphy Family

Cleveland Museum of Art Photography Liv & Bre, This marks our SIXTH year of fun together!  What the whaaaat?!  I have had the pleasure of watching your family grow from two to three to four.  And in that time there have been the very best of memories- grandparents we love, dogs we’ve lost, the excitement […]

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