Tremont Ohio Newborn Photography | Introducing Zoey
Tremont Ohio Newborn Photography
Zoey, welcome to the big bright world! It’s always a special treat when we travel for an In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session’s so today was extra sweet! Watching your family love you in the comfort of your home gives me all warm and fuzzies inside! I can’t believe it’s been four years since I met your family at your big sister Lucy’s newborn session! I am so happy that your family of four has now grown into a beautiful family of five!
Ezra and Lucy, you have each taken the role of big sibling seriously and I couldn’t be more proud!
Ezra, you are such a kind and handsome young man! You stole my heart when you asked for a special sibling photo with Zoey! Lucy, you were just a sweet little nugget the last time I saw you and now you are a fashionista all ready for the runway! Your moms both said that if you were good, you could wear any outfit of your choice for a few extra snaps! You accepted the challenge and then pulled out an adorable princess outfit for your solo images!
Zoey, Zoey, Z-O-E-Y!!! You are a goal baby! I think the first thing we need to talk about is your hair! You have so much hair that I could easily put a hair clip into it! You loved being snuggled by everyone and no matter how much time you spent in my arms I still couldn’t enough!
Zoey, with two older siblings who adore you and two mommies that cherish you, there is nothing more you need in this world! Thank you for sharing your home with us today we we can’t wait to see everyone again soon!

Owner, Brittany Gidley Photography