Tuna Melts My Heart
Tuna and Sweet Gracie,

What a fun day spent celebrating Valentine’s Day and Gracie’s six month photos at the BGP studio! One Stylish Party created the most adorable set for you two to enjoy some Valentine’s Day treats and play together!

Tuna loved giving his sissy Grace tons of kisses and we couldn’t stand how sweet it was to watch the two of you together! At your gorgeous newborn session, Tuna wasn’t completely sure he liked sharing his mommy and daddy’s love and attention with someone else! But it’s clear that he doesn’t mind one bit because the two of you are already the best of friends!

While watching the both of you enjoy some sweet treats was overwhelmingly cute, I think we can all agree that watching the two of you snuggle up and take a nap together truly took the cake for the most precious image! We recreated an image we took of the two of you at your newborn session and it was crazy to see how much sweet Gracie has grown over the last six months! We also loved seeing how much Tuna’s love for his sissy has grown over those six months as well!

Tuna and Gracie, thank you for always being open to all of our fun ideas and for letting us truly get creative and have fun with you! Especially you Tuna, you’re a trooper for that gum-ball shot that will surely be a fan favorite! We love watching the two of you grow and we can’t wait to see how much more you change over the next six months! We’re already so excited for our next play date together!

Tuna Melts My Heart | Celebrity Photographer
Tuna Melts My Heart | Celebrity Photographer
Tuna Melts My Heart | Celebrity Photographer
Tuna Melts My Heart | Celebrity Photographer
Tuna Melts My Heart Valentine's Day
Tuna Melts My Heart Valentine’s Day
Tuna Valentines
Tuna Valentines
Tuna Valentines
Tuna Valentines



Team BGP